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Flickr from the Olympics

Cristina Pena

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Olympic tickets
(Scott Engelhardt)
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Lately, we've been seeing some pictures from the Olympics appearing on our Weekend America Flick feed. We tracked down the photographers and asked about them.

Scott Engelhardt: This weekend my wife and I will be in Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympics. My name is Scott Engelhardt and I'm from Seattle, Washington.

When we got our tickets in the mail a couple weeks ago, both of us were just beside ourselves that we actually had the physical representation of the events that we are going to go see in our hands. And my first thought was I've got to take a picture of these things. And so, I went into our kitchen table and, kind of, fanned them out and just started taking all these different angles and the one image that I really really liked, of kind of a close-up shot from a pretty oblique angle and the light from above, caught the holograms on the tickets in such a way, that it kind of produced this gradated rainbow effect. And it's kind of corny, but it almost made them look a little more magical, you know.

And I actually brought one of the tickets into work and let people tough it. You know, people where scared to touch it-it was really funny. But that photo is really, for now, sums up the building anticipation for us for our trip.

Alice Mong: My name is Alice Mong and I am from New York. I'm currently the Committee of 100s executive director-it's a membership organization made up of Chinese-Americans. I'm currently attending the Olympic Celebration here in Beijing and I've attended the Olympic Ceremony this past Sunday.

The photo is of the Tai Chi Masters. When the performers came out, everything was synchronized and when they started performing the Tai Chi in slow choreography-it was just stunning and it was just very magical and it was almost surreal, in terms of the color and with the white and the scroll. It just was very stunning. It was one of the high point, I think, of the ceremony.

As the evening got hotter and hotter, literally, I mean, and because the stadium is not covered and so it was not really air-conditioned-there definitely was air-flow but where we were it was so hot- but it just didn't damper the spirit. I mean, people were buying food and drinks and just sharing with each other and just a sense of great camaraderie around us.


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