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Listener Letters: Moxie, Hell and Voice Mails

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This week, Ken Solo from Toledo, Ohio, teaches us about Moxie Synchronicity, Aine McCormick of St. Paul, Minn., shares a sentimental voice mail and Reginald Broadnax of Concord, N.C., tells us to go to Hell. And we do. John Moe speaks with John Colone, the unofficial mayor of Hell, Mich., about the making of a kitsch economy.

Listeners Wrote:

I want to share with you a moment of surreal synchronicity I experienced involving your story about Moxie cola July 14th.

My daughter and I stopped into the brand new Boyd's Retro Candy Store in Toledo, Ohio where they sell all the candies that one rarely sees anymore. In the cooler beside the grape Ne-Hi was a bottle of Moxie, which I had never in my life heard of before. Being the adventurous type, I bought one to try.

Getting back into the car, the radio was tuned to the Ann Arbor NPR station, so I heard "Mr. Moxie" giving instructions on how to drink Moxie cola for the first time properly. Our interviewer took his obligatory three sips, describing what he tasted each time.

I could only check my newly acquired bottle of cola. I was flabbergasted by the fact that Weekend America was doing a story about a 120-year-old product that five minutes ago I did not know existed, but was at that moment twisting the cap off of. Apparently, the cola comes with instructions. Supernatural instructions that take over the nearest radio.

Timing is indeed everything, sometimes. Thanks for the story (what I heard of it).

Kenneth Solo
Toledo, Ohio

I listened to your story "What's in a Name" and was dismayed that you didn't go to Hell (Michigan, that is). In Michigan, when we tell someone to "go to Hell," we really mean it. During this time of year, it can get very hot in Hell, but every November, Hell actually freezes over (weather persons all over the state make that lame joke every year). Hell is a wonderful place and if you visit, you'll have a hell'va time. So next time you do a story like this, please, go to Hell.

Reginald Broadnax
Concord, N.C.

A message for John Moe:

Thank you for your piece on the Saturday 7/14 edition of Weekend America about the music on your computer. It was such a finely crafted piece - the best I have heard in a long time. Poignant without being sappy or trite. I appreciate this kind of writing. This is coming to you from someone who has a saved message on her voice mail from her grandma who has been gone for nearly four years. Every ninety days the lady asks what I want to do with the message. Someday I will erase it, but not yet.

Thank you so much,

Aine McCormack
Saint Paul, Minn.

  • Music Bridge:
    Glenn Kotche
    Artist: Mobile Parts 1 & 2
    CD: Mobile (Nonesuch)


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