Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap
JULY 14, 2007 Listen to this Story
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Dr. Emanuel Bronner created "Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap" in 1947 after he escaped a mental institution. The soap is liquid and peppermint-infused and the bottles really stand out. They're covered in white text -- over 30,000 words -- of quotes ranging from Abraham Lincoln to Mother Teresa. Sort of odd for a soap bottle. Weekend America talks with Emanuel Bronner's son, Ralph Bronner, about his eccentric dad's mission, that reached far beyond soap.
An Excerpt from Dr. Bronner's PEPPERMINT 18-in-1
The whole World is our country, our Fatherland, because all mankind areborn its Citizens! We're all Brothers and Sisters because One,ever-loving Eternal Father is our only God, our only Religion, thatRe-unites God's legion! For we're All-One or none. "Listen ChildrenEternal Father Eternal One!"
There are brave souls who dare to dream that men are brothers and notfoes, That hands may clasp across the seas to common good, to commonwoes. That beneath God's Law, the Essene Moral ABC, that 6 billionstrong unites All-One- God-Faith men will embrace in brother-love tonever kill in bitter hate. Who dare to hear the mighty truth,reverberating through long years, that faith- love-courage conquer fear& teamwork heal a nation's tears. Though flood & fire sweep the oldearth's sod, & raging wars and evils wreck its calm, still through theawful tumult there is God our glorious world within His upraised palm.Among the journeying stars, the moon, the sun that have not failedbecause of that great might, with other pilgrim planets, we are one heldin His hand, kept in His steadfast sight. Amidst the cannons roar youcan hear God's voice: "Replace half truth, our real enemy, that age oldhate" with full truth, hard work, God's Law uniting mankind inAll-One-God-Faith! For centuries man struggles half asleep, half living,small & jealous, bickering with mountains of red tape to be awakened,the night God chose giving His great reward for hard work: Poetry,uniting Love, evolving man above the ape! Machine age man is full ofsense & nonsense, fear, greed & jealousy, destroy his every land; Today,this whole wide world craves love-faith-courage united by the Moral ABCwe stand!FROM THE ARMY OF PRINCIPLES BY THOS. PAINE, 1799:_________________________________________
1st: "A Human being works hard to teach 'Love His Enemy' to help uniteall mankind free or that being is not yet human!" Mark Spitz delivers 8Olympic gold medals to Soviet athletes, to practice Jesus full-truth #1.Exceptions? None!
22: Small minds decay! Average minds delay! Great minds teach All-Onetoday! Win Victory-Unity & all stand by you! Delay-divide, all denyyou! Remember: The only difference between the brave and the coward, isthe brave has an ideal to fight for, such as helping teach the wholeHuman race the Moral ABC of All-One- God-Faith, lightning-like 6 billionstrong & we're All-One! All-One! As astronomers Abraham & Israel teachsince the Year One: "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternal One!" See 22Manual of Discipline by Rabbi Jesus on 'Dr. Bronner's Eucalyptus Soap'quarts!
76: "Americanism is the knowledge of, the loyalty, inspiration orattachment to the 'Army of Principles of All-One-God-Faith', thatlightning-like unite the Human race! For we're All-One or none!Exceptions eternally? Absolutely none!", Noah Webster.
84: "We can no longer live half-slave, half-free! We unite the Humanrace in All-One-God-Faith or perish by half-true hate! For we're All-Oneor none!", Abraham Lincoln.
93: "Government, like fire, is our most useful servant, if fullycontrolled by us, its Citizens, and government, exactly like fire,becomes our most destructive master if not fully controlled by us, theopen majority of its productive working Citizens! Onlyunited-armed-vigilant & trained, Swiss 6000 year Peace & Freedomreigned! Exceptions? None!", from 'The Army of Principles' by GeorgeWashington.
95: "I've never stooped so low as to hate any man! For I've learned thatin the long run, all mankind needs-wants-loves whatever good work you'vedone! Regardless of your race, color, nationality or religion!", BookerT. Washington, born a slave!
98: "If ever One Religion re-unites God's legions, it'll be by omittingall half-truths added onto All-One-God-Faith, that lightning-like unitesthe Human race, for We're All-One or none! Listen Children EternalFather Eternal One!", as teach since the Year One astronomers Abraham toMohammed, inspired by the Messiah, Halley's Comet!
99: "An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldierscannot! It will succeed where diplomacy may fail! It will always unitethe Human race where all else divides All-One-God-Faith!" From Americanfounding father, the world's first steel-bridge builder, Thomas Paine's8 great books, not taught since 1799!
106: The trouble is that the wrong people are always the most enegetic,united & intense, dividing the hard-workers to lose in self-defense!That fact alone brings Hitlers & Stalins to power & that fact will onlychange when we rally- raise-train-evolve-unite the whole Human race withthe Moral ABC in All-One- God-Faith!
107: The intensity of man's emotions is a greater driving force & moredecisive than the sum total of his education, his money, plus the sizeof his brain! Proof: Einstein!
THE MORAL ABC, INTRODUCED BY KIPLING'S "IF"and SOAPMAKER BRONNERIf you can talk to crowds & keep your virtue, or walk with kings & notlose that common touch! If neither loving friend nor enemy can hurt you;If all men count with you, but no one too much! If you can work hard toteach each unforgiving minute All-One-God-Faith mason Hillel taughtcarpenter Jesus to unite the Human race, come hell, hate, ban, you'llenjoy God's Spaceship Earth & do great work within it; & which is moremy son, you'll be a man! A Man! Sure, East is East & West is West &never the twain shall meet! But there is neither East nor West, norborder, breed nor birth, once the Moral ABC unites all mankind free onGod's spaceship Earth! Then & only then, no matter how rough the trip,how charged with punishment the scroll, you are the captain of thy ship,the master of thy soul!
- Music Bridge:
- Under the Glow Of Streetlights
- Artist: Xela
- CD: For Frosty Mornings and Summer Nights (Type Recordings)
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From kermanshah, 04/27/2012
Hi dear
thank's alot
From Winnipeg, MB, 05/23/2009
I like to know what was Dr.Bronner's position on Palestine and Israeli occupation
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