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Listener Letters: Chuck Berry at the Beach

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Chuck Berry at the Beach

We're always anxiously checking our mail, printed and digital, to find out what you have to say about our show. This week we hear a photographer's thoughts on a story we did on toy cameras, an alumni of Taylor University and a music aficionado.

Read the Original Listener Letters

I just caught your story on Krappy Kameras, someone posted the link on a toy camera forum that I am a member of.

Toy cameras RULE!

I have been photographing with one, a Holga for some 13 years now.

There is an idea in art called "Wabi Sabi" which is more about celebrating the beauty of the imperfect than the perfect and that's a big part of my photography is about.

If you are interested, you can take a look at some of my Holga photography.

I liked the photographs that Mark did, good stuff for a first time Holga photographer!

I could tell from the story that you were utilizing my first rule of toy camera photography,which is to Have Fun!

Brian L. Schiele
West Valley City, UT

Thanks for a superb program every weekend. Something caught my eye, er, ear today.

I counted at least two, and I believe three, variations on "It's not your fault" during the segment on foreclosure. Alas, it *is* the buyer's fault. Nobody was forced to take on foreboding amounts of mortgage debt, let alone as insane debt instruments like interest-only and 3/27.

Many of us declined to buy for exactly those reasons. The delusion that a default was caused by anyone other than the borrower helps no one.

Troy Davis
Seattle, WA

I listen to the podcast of your show every week and am part of Gideon D'Arcangelo's mix CD club, the Owls. I also graduated Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, in 2001 so it was with great interest that I listened to your story about the Pick-A-Dates.

Suffice it to say that not everyone who went to Taylor feels the same way about things as the students in your story did. Listening to the story, I had the same reaction that a lot of your listeners probably had: "This is kind of weird. What's wrong with these kids?" It only took me about one date my freshman year to realize that. And as my liberalization throughout college and my interest in not following the rules continued, I soon concluded that a lot of those ideas that schools such as Taylor put forth aren't necessarily the most realistic. And honestly, they don't really prepare you for the "real" world. We used to call it "the Taylor Bubble" because going on things like pick-a-dates just aren't the way the world works. While I got a good education at Taylor, I think it's safe to say that my social life was a bit awkward, as the number of people who don't fit into that mind set of not cussing, not dancing and following the rules are few and far between.

That being said, I can't help but think that a good idea for a story might be covering some of those folks who go to these conservative Christian colleges and then years later really question their college experience and become atheists, agnostics or just even liberal Christians.

Although it doesn't even seem like I went to a school like Taylor sometimes, I appreciate hearing the story you put together. Thanks!

Kurt Morris
Seattle, WA

I am enjoying this story about Manhattan Beach. I can't help but notice, though, that as you write about integration on the beach you used the Beach Boys "Surfin USA" as background music. This song draws heavily (shall we say) on Chuck Berry's "Sweet Little 16." A nice extra layer of irony.

Thanks for a good show, and long live rock & roll.

Dick Rumer
Durham, NC

  • Music Bridge:
    Artist: Stanton Moore
    CD: III (Telarc)


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