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Krissy Clark

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  • Not So Bezerkeley After All

    First practical lie detector

    The Bay Area city of Berkeley is often mocked as "Bezerkeley" or called the "People's Republic of Berkeley." But a new exhibit showcases all the firsts that the rest of the nation eventually emulated: police academies, gourmet coffee and brewpubs. So what's next? Krissy Clark sifts the past for a peek at the future.

  • A Silicon Valley Manufacturing Mystery

    Electronic circuit board

    The tragic death of a young man at a circuit board manufacturer puts a new focus on small factories where mostly Latino workers toil to create critical parts for our electronic devices. Once Silicon Valley was home to hundreds of such factories, but now most have moved overseas, mainly to China.

  • Foreclosure Behind Las Vegas Gates

    Exclusively empty

    In Las Vegas, booming home construction, unscrupulous lending and lots of housing speculation by first-time investors has resulted in some of the nation's highest foreclosure rates. Even high-end gated communities in the suburbs have felt the sting of the market downturn.

  • Mapping the Score to Planet Earth

    James Plakovic's Earth map, set to music

    James Plakovic's unique map of the planet Earth looks familiar, until you look real close: It's made of musical notes, a score for 37 instruments. It may be difficult to listen to and a little chaotic. But then again, so is the real Earth.

  • 40 And Extra, Extra Long

    Snack time

    Tiki the Giraffe lives at the Oakland Zoo and she's cold. If you've ever tried to put a blanket on a giraffe, you know how hard it is to keep it on. So the zoo hired a tailor to make a special winter coat for a very tall client. Krissy Clark reports.

  • I Know My Team Needs Me

    Super-fan Cunningham

    March is a great month for sports fans: opening day for baseball, the Sweet Sixteen and NCAA hockey playoffs. That's enough to keep sports nuts screaming all weekend. Not all of the cheering they do is done publicly, however -- many die-hard fans have sacred rituals they perform to ensure their favorite team's success.

  • Bracing for a Yahoo!-Microsoft culture clash

    Senior executives from Yahoo! and Microsoft have met, signaling Microsoft's takeover deal may soon be worked out. Thousands of Yahoo! employees are left to wonder what will happen to their work environment after a takeover. Krissy Clark reports.

  • On 5th Anniversary of Iraq War, Memories of the Occupation

    Autograph Accomplished

    Next week marks the fifth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Reporter Krissy Clark talks to some people to learn how how things have changed here at home since the war began.

  • The Lightening of San Fransisco

    Red Powell's Shoe Shine Parlor

    San Francisco was once home to a thriving black community, but lately that's changing. The situation hasn't gone unnoticed by long-time residents like Reverend Amos Brown, who fears the city's black history might be lost forever. Weekend America's Krissy Clark takes a look at San Francisco's changing demography.

  • How Many Donuts Does it Take to Feed a Campaign?

    On the front page of Friday's New York Times, an article called "Donors Worried by Clinton Campaign Spending" detailed the millions that Senator Hillary Clinton is spending on her presidential run. Most of the money was spent on what you'd expect: thousands on hotel rooms, campaign consultants, media buys and polling. But some of the expenditures were pretty odd.

  • Explaining a Presidential Relationship

    President Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln spent five years sharing a bed, and his intimate thoughts, with his best friend Joshua Speed. Some scholars have used this as proof that Lincoln was gay. Others have maintained that close male relationships like this were much more common back before homophobia was invented. Weekend America's Krissy Clark explores the issue.

  • The Sound of Cancer, and Golf

    Cell Sonification

    Although Jonathan Berger, a composer and professor of music at Stanford University, has only been on a golf course once in his life, a certain aspect of the sport has played an interesting role in his research. What fascinates him about golf is the same as in cancer cells and oil spills -- their sound.

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