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Weekend America Voices

Bill Radke

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  • Cleaning to an "Icy Blue Heart"

    Kayak Practice

    Roxanne Cronin listens to "Icy Blue Heart" by John Hiatt while she cleans. And mends a broken heart.

  • 'Roids and Science

    Our panel of non-experts review the week's events in a parlor game to gauge what kind of week America had. This week, we hear from Yale literature professor Amy Hungerford; author David Rakoff; and writer and comedian Dana Gould, whose credits include "The Simpsons."

  • Puff, the Scary Magic Dragon

    "Puff, the Magic Dragon"

    He's green and magic and lives by the sea, but for Bill Radke, Puff inspires fear and dread.

  • Iran, Foreclosures, and Chimps

    A stunning reversal this week from the American intelligence community. Now they say Iran stopped pursuing nuclear weapons four years ago. Is this Good News, Bad News, or No News?

  • A Mormon Moment in Politics

    GOP Presidential Candidates Debate Economic Issues

    Clytee Gold is the only Mormon in a family of evangelicals. She tells Bill Radke what impact Mitt Romney's candidacy has had on her life.

  • Living Room Diplomacy

    Mid East Peace

    Miriam Zimmerman and Elias Botto are members of the Living Room Dialogue Group, an organization based in San Mateo, Calif. The group's goal is to bring Jews and Palestinians together to talk about Middle East politics and to foster understanding. Weekend America host Bill Radke talks with Miriam and Elias to get their reactions to this week's Middle East peace conference in Annapolis, Md.

  • Beyond the Silk Road With Yo-Yo Ma

    Yo-Yo Ma

    Yo-Yo Ma has worked for nearly a decade and educate people about the culture of the Silk Road. Weekend America's Bill Radke speaks with the renowned cellist about his latest collaboration with the Silk Road Ensemble.

  • The Bad Plus

    A lot of times, acoustic jazz means something like easy listening. But acoustic jazz trio the Bad Plus makes it their business to challenge the jazz establishment. They put their own stamp on contemporary music by groups such as Black Sabbath, Blondie, and Nirvana. Weekend America's Bill Radke caught up with the Bad Plus on tour and hears their twist on today's music and talks with the band.

  • "Southland in the Springtime"

    The Vaidhyanathan Women

    We've been asking you what song says the weekend for you. This week, listener Vedana Vaidhyanathan from Chapel Hill, N.C. shares her weekend soundtrack with us.

  • Broken Angel

    For nearly 30 years Arthur Wood has been turning a brick building in Brooklyn into a handmade sculpture. It's called Broken Angel and it has become a cultural icon in the neighborhood. But last October a fire broke out. That's when the real trouble began. We talk with Arthur Wood and his son Christopher about their home.

  • The Baby Jesus Chronicles

    Last weekend in Bellingham, Wash., a Jesus statue was stolen for the third time this year. In Plaistow, N.H., one was plucked from its cradle and replaced with a beer can. Basically, where there's a nativity scene, there's a good chance there'll be a manger kidnapping, and rarely does the baby Jesus get returned. But in Buffalo, N.Y., an 18-inch plastic figurine was stolen 2 days before Christmas, last year, and returned to its owners' doorstep 8 months later, along with a photo album chronicling where he'd been. We investigate.

  • De-Coded

    Virginia State Police are bidding a 10-98 (that means assignment completed) to those codes you know from old cop shows: 10-108 (officer down), APB (all points bulletin), One Adam 12 (okay, that one was made up). The problem is, not everyone can remember what all those codes mean and that can cause major problems in an actual emergency. Bill Radke talks with Lt. Col. H.C. Davis of the Virginia State Police about switching to plain English.

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