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How did your life collide with the headlines in 2007?
Iraq, the subprime crisis, Facebook, immigration, oil prices - 2007 had no shortage of hefty headlines. We'd like to hear about how these and other major news events of the past year affected you. Where did your life collide with the news in 2007?

What's your holiday performance story?
The office talent show, the neighborhood caroling posse, the school pageant ... At holiday time we often sing, dance, and dress as shepherds. Did you bloom in the warmth of your audience's adulation, or freeze up like the snowman you'd rather be building? Did your holiday performance change your life or that of someone close to you?

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If a Tree Falls in the Great Outdoors... June 23, 2007E-mail this story E-mail this story
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It's summertime and that usually means a chance for kids to go outdoors and enjoy the good life. But studies in the past few years show kids are spending more and more time indoors. Weekend America speaks with author Richard Louv, an activist who reconnects children with nature.

Weekend America eavesdrops into backyards in Oakland, Calif.; Golden Valley, Minn.; Richmond, Va.; and Narrowsburg, N.Y. Following that we play Quincy Jones' version of "Summer in the City," from his 1973 album, "You've Got it Bad Girl."