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How did your life collide with the headlines in 2007?
Iraq, the subprime crisis, Facebook, immigration, oil prices - 2007 had no shortage of hefty headlines. We'd like to hear about how these and other major news events of the past year affected you. Where did your life collide with the news in 2007?

What's your holiday performance story?
The office talent show, the neighborhood caroling posse, the school pageant ... At holiday time we often sing, dance, and dress as shepherds. Did you bloom in the warmth of your audience's adulation, or freeze up like the snowman you'd rather be building? Did your holiday performance change your life or that of someone close to you?

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A Thin Line Between Towns May 05, 2007E-mail this story E-mail this story
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Along the Rio Grande in far west Texas, the small towns on opposite sides of the river are closer to one other than to major cities in their own countries. For years, Americans could go back and forth to the small Mexican towns of Boquillas and Santa Elena without even carrying a passport. But after September 11, Border Patrol agents cracked down on these casual border crossings, destroying the tourist economy that kept those isolated villages afloat. Weekend America's Michael May traveled to Boquillas with American Cynta De Narvaez, who's trying to help the town survive the tough times.

Ever since the border between the U.S. and Mexico closed in 2002, life has been complicated for those working and living in the area, including the National Park Service. Marcos Parades is a district ranger for the Rio Grande River, which dives the two countries. When he's out patrolling on the river, he's technically breaking the law. Weekend America guest host Desiree Cooper talks with Parades about this Catch-22.