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We received over 100 emails in regards to this story, which struck a cord with many Weekend America listeners.
"Just heard part of the interview with Kevin Benderman. It touched me
deeply....that he is listening to his heart and his conscience over this
matter....and potentially risking a lot."
"Benderman, and indeed anyone voluntarily serving in the military, does not have
the option of doing what he thinks is right. He enlisted and therefore agreed to
obey the orders of his superiors. There is no place on enlistment papers that
give one the option to decide not to make a troop movement if it's inconvenient.
The sergeant should be court martialed, given twenty years at hard labor,
reduced in rank with forfeiture of pay and allowances. This is especially
pertinent in light of the recent excessive punishments meted out to the prison
guards and the transportation detachment that armored their vehicles."
"It takes a great deal of courage to act on your beliefs. I happen to agree
completely with his view on war, particularly regarding the assault on our
earth. Even if I disagreed, I would admire his willingness to stand up for his
beliefs. If only some of our political figures would show the same
statesmanship" "I am a Veteran of the first Gulf War. There wasn't that much carnage when I was there, but what I did see has left a lasting impression on me. I can understand what Sgt. Benderman is going through and I applaud him for standing up for his morals and convictions.
However, this is not the most opportune time to do this. When he signed up for
the Military he knew that life would not always be a cake walk. Being a Sergeant
he has a moral obligation and an awesome responsibility to look out for those
soldiers in his squad or platoon. These people are his second family and with
him gone there is a hole there. And now his actions has most likely raised doubt
in the minds of others, and that doubt can be deadly. I truly hope he has
considered these consequences as well."
"I was moved by Sgt. Benderman's story. Here is an individual
who is perceiving reality: the unspeakable horror an immorality
of war, further compounded in this case by being a war of choice."
"I appreciated hearing the emotional and ethical struggle of a soldier who
obviously has served his country in the past."
"I totally agree with K. Benderman's feelings and opinions about the war in Iraq, and commend him for refusing to participate anymore in an immoral activity that has shown the Bush administration for what it is - selfishly and politically concerned only with their own and our country's business interests. In our new post-9/11, "patriotic" era, it takes courage to do what he has done, especially with an administration that will probably try to make and example of him. I wish him well."
"I heard your interview with the Sgt. and his wife. I do not think he should be
court martialed. I think if the military is voluntary so should the mission.
My son was in Iraq with the 3rd Infantry, FT Stewart and now in Korea. I personally
pray every night he does not get ordered to go back to Iraq and he has stated,
he didn't know if he himself could do another tour. I believe the ones who are
punishing the Sgt. should be glad a soldier honestly states he could not serve in
those conditions rather than sending him over there and not doing 100%. I wish
him luck and I do understand his decision. I think the Army is wrong for his
choice and the punishment is to harsh. I will keep him in my thoughts." "I applaud Sergeant Benderman's decision. How brave of him to take this stand. And how proud his children and family must be of him. I believe that war is not the answer, and I believe that our troops should be defending our country and our obligations to the UN, NATO and other world organizations that we are pledged to defend or support. How much more helpful to have those soldiers in Iraq helping the relief efforts in the countries in the Indian Ocean.
And why would the US Military want to have a soldier working for them if he/she
didn't believe in what he/she was doing? I hope that he is able to reconcile
this soon."
"It is through soldiers like Kevin that we learn the most about war. Kevin will
be on a very difficult path now that he has become a conscientious objector.
The easiest path is to follow blindly, not ask questions, risk death or return
home with a lifetime and debilitating moral struggle. As a conscientious
objector, Kevin has a far better chance at maintaining his mental health. May
his decision help other soldiers question the morality of war. And I am hoping
with more soldiers becoming conscientious objectors, our society will realize
that 'war is not the answer'. Kevin, you are a very brave human being! " "In my eyes, this man is a hero, even more so than a soldier who goes to Iraq with doubts about the mission. The champlain of whom he spoke sounds like a coward.
I was a C.O. during Vietnam and refused induction into the Army. Has
history not shown that it was correct to protest the pointless death
and destruction we rained on the Vietnamese? Here we are, a generation
later, involved in a war based on a false premise and squashing
dissent. Sounds too familiar." -- Shari Larsen "As an active duty sailor I can both understand and not even comprehend the battlefield. I think it's upsetting that some people would be honored to serve in Iraq while others are being asked to serve 2 tour of duties. I probably never could begin to comprehend the battlefield but at the same time I am fully aware that I signed up for service and someday may make the ultimate sacrifice. Yes, I too have had doubts about what war is and could probably some day be labeled an anti-war sailor, but I know what I have signed up for. It seems odd that he all of a sudden has had a change of moral and ethical beliefs days before being deployed. He knew what he was getting into when he joined up. Now he is trying to play all angles to get out of it. Including contacting the media and his congress person before going through the proper channels.
This is a flagrant violation of good order and discipline in the armed services
and he is well aware of this. I hope that he gets the entire UCMJ thrown at
him." "I served in the Korea during bad times and apparently with a unit, and an army that while engaged in killing was more supportive than what is being selfishly controlled today by those who really care not about soldiers' lives. I support Sgt. Benderman's decision not to go back to Iraq. It takes extraordinary courage not to go along with this crazy war. There is something quite insane in going to war against people who are willing to blow themselves up.
Some of those in government who question the war need to have the courage of
Sgt. Benderman and stand firm against the idiocy of this conflict with Iraq in
"Your interview stated that Sgt Benderman's contract was up last October, but was
extended by the military (evidently against his will). I don't see this as part
of the 'volunteer army' since he's being forced to go back. I think he's served
his country well for 10 years. I can tell that war has changed his outlook on
life and perhaps made him realize the senselessness of killing. However, I also
understand that a soldier must follow orders. Ultimately I believe that you must
follow your own conscience no matter what the consequences. Someone who follows
their own inner voice is a true hero. Sgt Benderman, with his wife's support, is
a good example for us all." "I was heartened to hear your report this morning about Sgt. Kevin Benderman's fight to become a conscientious objector. How much better our world would be if more combatants, finally sickened by the lunacy that is war, withdrew from this madness en masse. On all sides.
During WWII my father refused to carry a weapon because he had worked for a
Japanese shipping line in San Francisco prior to the events at Pearl Harbor. He
could not imagine killing the gentile and respectful people he had come to love
at his place of work. He did contribute to the war effort by helping to deliver
medical supplies to the troops from where he was stationed in the Hawaiian
islands. As a C.O. during the 'good war' he was reviled and harassed but he
maintained his principles and never regretted his stand against the taking of
another human beings life. He died at the age of 87, a peaceful warrior and my
personal hero. I wish Kevin Benderman the same sane fate."
"Thank goodness Sgt. Benderman has the courage to
stand by his well founded perceptions regarding the
realities of the war in Iraq. As Chris Hedges puts it
in a recent piece for the New York Review of Books
('On War,' 12-16-'04), 'The reason wars should always
be covered from the perspective of the common
soldier...is that these foot soldiers are largely
pawns. Their lives, despite the protestations of the
generals and the politicians, mean little to the war
planners.' This view is unfortunately supported by
the treatment of Sgt. Benderman by his military
superiors leading up to his deployment date this week.
Thank you for giving us the perspective of this
honorable soldier as he grappled with the realities of
a war nearly all Americans are able to ignore."
"Unfortunately a commitment was made by what sounds like a career soldier. As is any agreement, there are consequences for not holding up his end of the deal.
You'd think after 10 years of playing soldier, and from the sounds of it, playing it quite successfully, he would have made up his mind about war.
A very sad day for America."
"I am a US Marine Vietnam Vet and native Texan. I support Sgt. Kevin Benderman's
position not to return to Iraq. Even if he was not a conscientious objector, I
would support him not going. The administration (President Bush) is just as
wrong on Iraq as the administrations that got us into Vietnam and kept us there.
This is an administration full of people (exception Secretary of State Colin L.
Powell) who never served in war. I think that if they had gone to war, we would
have not gone so quickly to Iraq."
<< Listen to our first interview with Sgt. Benderman on Nov. 13. ![]() |
... on our December 15 broadcast:
» Weekend America
![]() » The Huckabee Mystique: See video of Mike Huckabee and Chuck Norris.
» Another Great Moment in Small Talk: Read how Charlie Schroeder became an unpopular "tool" because of Borat.
» Listener Letters: Renewable Christmas Trees: Read listeners' alternate endings to "Puff the Magic Dragon."
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From the July 5 broadcast
Auburn, N.Y.
Potosi, Wis.
Bruce, S.D.
Newport, Ore.
Fort Davis, Texas
Wailuku, Hawaii
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